Pit Stop #4: Manchester Community College

Founded in 1945 as a school to train and educate returning veterans, Manchester Community College today enrolls more than 3,500 students, making it the second largest of the seven New […]

Pit Stop #3: Saint Anselm College

Less than ten miles down the road from SNHU on our NECHE Road Trip, we pulled into beautiful Saint Anselm College. St. A’s, as it is fondly known to locals, […]

Who’s behind the wheel?

As you may have deduced by my use of the plural pronoun “we,” I am one of two. And my #2 is my co-pilot (backseat driver) and wife Betty Londergan. I decided she was an essential part of this road trip not just because being away from her and home for two weeks would be lonely; Betty is also a big talent and I knew this project could use her…

Pit Stop#1 : Boston Architectural College

Before we kicked off NECHE on the Road, I had planned to visit a nearby institutional neighbor, The Boston Architectural College (BAC). Its President, Mahesh Daas, and I share some […]

About NECHE on the Road

As the new president of this venerable organization, I decided the best way I could fully understand the challenges and unique strengths of the schools we serve was to go out and […]