The institution was withdrawn from Candidacy status because, based on an evaluation of the institution’s self-study, the report of the evaluation team, the response of the institution to the team report, and/or other evidence submitted by the institution, the Commission determined that the candidate institution no longer meets the Requirements of Affiliation and/or the evaluative Criteria for Candidacy. Overseas institutions demonstrate their compliance with the Requirements of Affiliation for Free-Standing Institutions Abroad. Prior to withdrawing candidacy status, the Commission provided an opportunity for the institution to show-cause why the action should not be taken. The burden of proof rested with the institution. The institution may appeal the withdrawal of candidacy under the relevant policies and procedures. Until final action is taken on the appeal, the institution’s candidate status is unaffected. Institutions that lose candidacy status and subsequently seek affiliation must complete the entire process required of any applying institution as prescribed by the policies and procedures of the Commission.
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