2019-2020 Substantive Change Proposals
Educational institutions are constantly changing. Most changes, such as developing new majors or concentrations, changing personnel, and adding and dropping courses, fall within the nature and scope of the institution and do not affect its accredited status. Other changes, however, affect significantly the nature of the institution, its mission and objectives, its educational program, and the allocation of its resources. Such substantive changes initiated subsequent to the most recent evaluation are not automatically included in the institution’s accreditation.
The Commission supports and encourages innovation and experimentation; it also has the obligation to determine the effect of substantive changes on the validity of an institution’s accreditation. Each year the Commission considers several substantive change requests from institutions for matters including new branch campuses or additional instructional locations; enrolling students in degree programs overseas; offering certificates or degrees where 50% or more can be taken entirely on-line; and moving to the higher or lower degree.
If you are in doubt about whether a change your institution is making constitutes a substantive change – one of the above or another type – please contact Pat O’Brien pobrien@neche.org or 781-425-7712. Review of a draft proposal by NECHE staff is highly recommended.
Please note that, per federal policy, in approving a substantive change, the Commission will specify an effective date that cannot be retroactive.To view Substantive Change proposals and deadlines for submission, please click here.